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Patty Mills is an Australian basketball player who is in America, playing for the Brooklyn Nets. There are many Australian basketball players that are known for their skills, but what makes Patty Mills a better person, is his work off the court. Charity, Achievements and making Australia proud are a couple of the things that make him notable. He is not selfish, but one of the most generous people I have heard of. Patty wasn’t wealthy as a child, so when he went overseas to play a sport his family would have been extremely excited not just for the money, but for him and their family achievements. He has made all Australians proud.  


First and foremost, I believe Patty Mills should be my notable person because of his generosity. No, he hasn't donated billions of dollars like some other people. That is because he doesn't have billions. He has around $8 million and gives around $2 million to charity every year. Last year, Covid-19 happened. The NBA was paused, which meant players weren't getting all of their money. Around July, the NBA made a decision to host a bubble for most teams in the NBA. On twitter, Patty made a video stating he would enter the bubble, and give every cent of his $1.5 million to charity back at home. The money was given to Black Lives Matter Movements , Black Deaths in Custody and The We Got You campaign. Another charity that Patty Mills has participated in was in 2011. In 2011, Queensland was devastated by floods. Patty raised $40,000 for flood relief by making T-Shirts. He has done numerous amounts of charity work, and he even made a charity/campaign. He created 'Team Mills Foundation' which is a foundation for underprivileged families and culture diversity.  


Additionally, he has accomplished a lot for Australia. One of his biggest achievements was leading the Australian Boomers (Olympic basketball team) to their first medal ever. In the bronze medal game, he scored 42 points (his highest points in any basketball league). Another achievement that is more for himself, was being the youngest player to ever be on the Boomers. He was 17 and played outstanding for his age, getting interest from NBA coaches. Later on in 2014, he won an NBA championship with the Spurs. For the Indigenous people of Australia, he launched a basketball league called IBA (Indigenous Basketball Australia) for all Indigenous basketball players to be able to play organized basketball. Something that may not be as notable for Australia, but for his culture, is spreading his native language around the world. There are videos of Patty teaching his team mates his native language and spreading awareness of racism in Australia. 


Finally, he has helped children and adults around the world. I could talk about other charities he has worked on, but he has done much more than charity. He has let children believe in themselves. When Patty made it to the NBA and stood out as an Australian, children were astonished. Making it to the NBA from Australia is very rare, but now lots of coaches are watching Australian high school players. Another way he helps people around the world is making them better. From some team mates (NBL, Highschool, Olympics) they only say Patty has helped them become more confident. He shares the ball around and tells them what shots to take. This year (1 month ago) BNSW (basketball NSW) held a Basketball 'Festival' on zoom. Patty Mills joined in on 3 of the zooms and gave feedback to nearly all children (me included!) 


'I think to be notable is to do something which impacts society in a good way. A good impact on society makes the world a better place whether it is health, technology, science or any other category. Notable people don't have to be very famous.' In conclusion, Patty Mills is the definition of notable. Patty Mills has impacted society in a good way by giving back to charities and making the world a better place. He has accomplished unbelievable amounts for Australia, and helped children and team mates all around the world better. Even though Patty is a basketball player, I wouldn’t say he is notable for his sport.  

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