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The BIG Question

How is Patty Mills Notable? You may ask. Well, he might not be as notable as many others, but to me, he is. I have researched for multiple hours, discovering his childhood and basketball journey. His interviews are simply masterpieces of his journey as a child, to now an Australian role model. He donates money, is one of the best Australian basketball players, and gives children hope of making it overseas. With not much privilege as a child, he had to be extremely independent to thrive in his life. But just a basketball player, is not what you should call him, since he has done much more. 


Yes, he is known for being an Australian basketball player, but he has donated millions of dollars to charity, helping underprivileged children become healthy and putting them in good conditions for their future. He knows what it feels like to be underprivileged, so he is making sure he gives back so they don't end up homeless or having a worthless life. One of the most helpful research sources I use was interviews and documentaries. I was able to hear straight from Patty Mills' mouth, so I knew it was true. Some websites also showed me biographies and his basketball journey, which extremely helped with the proposal, and informed me about a vast number of his charity work. Some challenges of researching about Patty Mills, was finding out about his family. This is because there is not much information online about his family, since they aren't famous. 


As I have said a vast amount of times, Patty Mills didn't have it easy as a child. He had to make it out of a tough life and area, being independent and dreaming big. He was determined, so he kept playing hard. He was noticed by many people with his basketball skills, making it into many academy's and teams. When he finally made it pro, it was very difficult. Though his life was easy, he was the youngest in the Olympics being bullied by the veterans. Once he entered the draft, he did not play well and was cut from the team. He had to move to China, then in Australia he played great, again being recognised in America. He signed a contract with the San Antonio Spurs and played amazing. He made his earnings and donated millions of dollars to children in Australia that have lives like his childhood. Many people pushed him to his goal. The main factors of his success were his parents. At a young age, they put him on a basketball team, and encouraged him to work hard and become a better player. Since Patty liked the sport, he was determined to make it his goal. His parents always helped him no matter the setbacks. Other people that have influenced his success, were his coaches and teammates. I believe when he made it to the Olympics, his coach and teammates would have been extremely supportive since Patty was the youngest on the team. Everyone who helped Patty when he was young helped him make memories and win in many competitions. They made some significant events in his life, like helping him win the NBA championship and leading the Aussies to an Olympic basketball medal. His parents have also informed him to give back to his country, and remembering how his life was as a child. 


"I think to be notable is to do something which impacts society in a good way. A good impact on society makes the world a better place whether it is health, technology, science or any other category. Notable people don't have to be very famous. Many notables have been forgotten by society especially ones in history. Every notable person has shaped this world in some way even if it is just a small impact." Though Patty Mills may not have affected society, changing the world, he has done lots for the country of Australia. He has shown other countries Australia is the real deal for basketball. Even though Patty has only won an NBA championship and an Olympic medal (which thousands if not millions have won). But, what makes Patty's awards more valuable, is where he came from and how much it was worth. Having an unlucky childhood and being born in Australia are already tough conditions to make it overseas. Now, consider winning overseas. Being one of the best on the team. Coming from a country not as well known. No one knew Patty until he played well in academies so his journey was 10x harder than many others. The only downsides of becoming famous, is you can forget where you came from and who helped you. Patty is the opposite, and donates back to Australia to help the Indigenous make it through situations. Patty might not have discovered a major part of the world, but I can tell you he is notable.  


Patty has had to work hard to make it to the NBA. He has been determined and been working his whole life to be successful. But, for many notable people in the world, luck has played a large part. From discovering an object, to being selected for something, luck is always a factor no matter the circumstances. For Patty, he has mainly worked hard, but for example, scouts have been watching Patty at the right time. If no one had kept watch of him, they wouldn’t have known if he actually had skill. But, Patty was lucky and people kept watch of his progress. But if he was only lucky, he wouldn't have made it as far as he has. He is one of the greatest Australian (also Indigenous) athletes ever, and has put in hours of work to make it this far. His hard work has payed off, and he has given back to the people who gave him luck, donating the millions of dollars they have helped him earn. 


In general, Patty is a great man. He has given back to his country for valid reason, which shows he is an extremely generous man. According to teammates and coaches, he is very nice, giving tips to younger or developing players. But, on the court he is nice to his team, but can sometimes get mad at the other team. That is understanding in sport, since some players and teams do disrespectful actions. So, he is extremely nice when it comes to helping others, but when it comes to others being disrespectful, he is very defending, which can potentially be good and bad. I believe he gets his generosity from himself, remembering how his life was as a child. Fighting and being mean to someone else is never acceptable for anyone, but when it comes to culture Patty doesn't let that slide. The only personality flaws I have heard of that he possesses is sometimes (barely any) he can hog the ball. He is the best player on the team and he doesn't need to pass to score the ball.  


Patty is truly an inspiration. He has inspired many Australian's to play basketball and follow their dreams. He has inspired us, by being an amazing man and (partially) relating to our lives. My childhood was/is nearly the complete opposite, but one similarity between our childhoods is/was having extremely supportive family/friends. My whole family cheers me on for winning anything, whether it is minor or major. Patty's parents were similar, being extremely supportive of Patty's future and cheering him on. Another way he has inspired me, is where he came from. He was born in Canberra, which doesn't have a vast amount of athletes born form there. Considering Patty wasn't wealthy as a child, he did phenomenal in his life becoming one of the best Australian basketball players. Donating to charity has helped him realise where he came from, and the children he donates to are/were exactly like him as a child. He is an NBA champion, which is millions of children's dreams across the world. He has also won the first Olympic medal for Australia ever, and has made Australia's basketball presence known.  


In conclusion, Patty is definitely a notable person. His traits include a great personality, a determined mindset, and is an extremely generous man. Despite having a rough childhood, he has made his life savings and has a successful career. Leading the Boomers to their first Olympic medal ever, and making Australia proud by winning an NBA championship are only minor parts of his success. Patty is my definition of notable. 

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